About Us
At Auto-Bon Inc., our experienced and highly skilled technicians ensure that the job is performed properly on each and every vehicle we service. Factory training and years of experience allow us to provide the assurance that leaving your vehicle to be serviced with us is the right decision.

Jim & Barb Blanchette
While many young men and women are passionate about their cars, few avidly follow their desires through to a BS in Mechanical Engineering. Jim first embarked on a career path with UTC, a corporate global leader in the aerospace industry. This career path, however, distanced him from his family and affinity for automotive skills.
As opportunity knocked, Jim acknowledged and traded the corporate world for a chance to grow with the independent automotive industry. He developed an intelligent business model and has masterfully matured it over a 25 year period. The result is the highly proficient and unified team we are today, our capabilities ever evolving.
Barb has played an irreplaceable role in both Jim’s life and our company’s growth emerging from the home garage tinkering days and spanning to present day Auto-Bon. Barb brings a vitality and warmth to our family that is immeasurable. In addition to hospitality and reception, she also manages financial, decor, and client-staff amenity services.

Rai Blanchette
As our Director of Operations, Rai carries extensive proficiency in German vehicles and their individualistic systems. As Jim and Barb’s firstborn son, he channels vital trade knowledge entrusted to him by his father, along with a passion for automotive technologies, and a dedication to interpersonal communication. In concert with the multitude of responsibilities he retains, Rai enjoys performing final quality control testing on many vehicles before they are released from our care, along with devoting extensive time to advancing our capabilities and professionalism.
His integrity and innate desire to serve ensures that both customer & vehicle needs are met on a daily basis.

As an Advanced level Master Technician with over 30 years’ experience in all aspects of the automotive industry, John serves as a double agent on our team, as both Service Manager, and Shop Foreman. Working interconnected automotive environments including (but not limited to) instructor roles in automotive technology, his experiences have allocated him a full spectrum of both figurative and literal trade tools.
John carries multiple certifications from ASE (Master), the State of CT Emissions Division (repair and technician instructor), and University of Toyota (certified expert technician), among others.

With a passion and indisputable talent in air-cooled VW cars (among other classics), Jacob brings a trade-skill to our company that few workshops can boast. His refined mechanical abilities range from profound dismantling and rebuilding, to intricate reworks which require tremendous levels of focus and precision.
With a knack for enhancing everything he touches, the patience, pride and integrity Jacob has in his workmanship make him the perfect fit for our team.

Having worked for both a transmission rebuilder and BMW in past career endeavors, Burton brings a technical intellect in modern-day German automotive technology systems and drivetrains.
With a specific passion in modern Euro cars, the genuine level of care, expertise, and integrity that Burton brings to our automotive family has not only increased our workshop’s capability and efficiency thresholds, but also amplified our team moral.

Carrying a balanced variety of client relation skills, and computer-technology aptitude; Erica moderates our facility’s day-to-day excitement as our Service Concierge, and provides important ancillary services. Her background covers interpersonal communication, along with aerospace and trade industry experience.