3 Services Offered by a Reliable Mechanic

Posted May 15, 2023

When you’re looking for a full-service and reliable mechanic, you may not know what services to expect. You want to ensure that the mechanic has experience and knowledge of your particular car brand. Every service is a little different, and you want to feel confident that your mechanic will provide the best quality service your car needs.

Before you make a final determination about a mechanic, you should look for one that provides three major services: preventative maintenance, repair service, and on-site diagnostics. Finding a knowledgeable mechanic shouldn’t be difficult because even though 25% of the business lies with dealerships, up to 75% of aftermarket auto repair is performed by independent auto repair shops, according to Potch Group Media.

Preventative Maintenance

It’s important for you to understand the difference between repair service and preventative maintenance. Preventative maintenance is routine and part of your car’s service schedule as created by the manufacturer. These services, such as oil changes and tire rotations, are intended to keep your vehicle in its best operating condition.

Repair Service

Repair service occurs when there is a problem with your car that needs to be fixed. This can include basic services such as repairing the brakes, or more complicated ones, like overhauling the transmission. Depending on the age and model of your car, you may need a mechanic that understands the special nuances of your specific make and model.

On-Site Diagnostics

On-site diagnostics refers to a digital analysis of the components and computer systems in your car. You may be surprised by how digital your car is. Mechanics can use specialized software to electronically scan the transmission, engine, throttle, and many other components to look for issues. When your mechanic offers on-site diagnostics, they must also have the experience to read and understand the reports. With this information, they determine if your car needs any repairs or tuning. Diagnostic testing can be performed during regular service appointments or when a warning light illuminates on your dashboard.

When you’re looking for a reliable mechanic with whom you can trust your car, keep these three services in mind. At a minimum, you want your mechanic to not only offer these services but be skilled and knowledgeable at providing them for your car. Contact Auto-Bon today to learn more about how we can provide your vehicle with the care it needs.

Categories: Maintenance
