Bill and Jan Bitterli

Posted October 5, 2020

Bill and Jan Bitterli

Dear Jim, Rai and Barb, We trusted you guys with our two cars when you owned "Foreign Car Cure. And we trust you even more now. In this day of political correctness, we tend to trust any repair shop with the self confidence and moxie to display a picture of Pope Francis. Very satisfied with the service and quality of your work to date. Now that we have downsized to only one car, that quality is more important than ever. We prefer to avoid the dealerships. Bill and Jan Bitterli
Autobon Inc
Dear Jim, Rai and Barb, We trusted you guys with our two cars when you owned "Foreign Car Cure. And we trust you even more now. In this day of political correctness, we tend to trust any repair shop with the self confidence and moxie to display a picture of Pope Francis. Very satisfied with the service and quality of your work to date. Now that we have downsized to only one car, that quality is more important than ever. We prefer to avoid the dealerships. Bill and Jan Bitterli



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